School Policies
Fair-Mont-Egan Vision Statement
Fair-Mont-Egan is a place where students are inspired to learn in a safe, respectful, and caring environment. We are committed to preparing all BRUINS (students) for success through celebrating positive behaviors, team efforts, academic successes, and community contributions.
Fair-Mont-Egan Staff Mission Statement
We are committed to working together to enhance our school community. We are dedicated to helping all children reach their fullest potential. We will prepare them for success in life through the development of social skills and providing educational opportunities.
Fair-Mont-Egan School Dress/Clothing Policy
Parents, please be aware of the clothing policy in the student handbook. Spring brings out the summer tops and shorts. Shorts length is to reach fingertips with arms extended. Waist-bands need to be high enough and tops long enough not to show skin. Check the language and pictures in the student handbook for more information.
Parental Right-to-Know/Title I Referrals
In accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA 1112), the following documents are available for families to complete and submit to the FME administration in request of Title I services for their child:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Act
Fair-Mont-Egan provides a trained staff for homeless students. This liaison is Nancy Maxwell (school counselor). The following resource documents are also available at the front office for anyone in need: